Information About World Wide Web


World Wide Web (www)

The WWW is a set of programs, stander and protocol that allow the multimedia and hypertext files to be created, displayed and linked on the Internet.

     From the late 1960s to the early 1990s, the Internet was a communication  

     and   research tool used almost exclusively for academic and military 

     purposes. This changed radically with the  introduction of the world

     wide   web (www)  or web in short in 1989 .the www is a set of

    programs, standards and protocols governing the way in which multimedia 

    files (multimedia files are the documents that contain a combination of

    text, photographs, graphics, video and audio ) are created and displayed 

    on the Internet.

    Before WWW, Internet was mainly used for obtaining textual information.

    But post-WWW, the Internet popularity grew tremendously because of

     graphic-intensive nature of WWW. Therefore, we may attribute the 

     explosion  in use and popularity of internet to WWW only.

     The World Wide Web (www) is also affectionately called “The Web”. 

     WWW was proposed between 1989-1991 by Tim Berners-Lee. Proposed

     in 1989, WWW became a reality with invention of HTML and a text

     browser in 1990.

  History of World Wide

     Present day WWW has its official birth date as April 30, 1993. In the              following table, we are giving a brief history of WWW. 

Ø 1989 : On march 12, Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist working at CERN in Switzerland, submits a proposal for a “ distributed information system” to allow researchers to deal with huge amounts of information. This is the genesis of the World Wide Web.

Ø 1990 : On December 20, world’s first website goes live at The first web page is Project.html

Ø 1991 : On August 6, The World Wide Web is launched publicly as Berners-Lee publishes details of the project on the Internet. Present day WWW has its official birth date as April 30, 1993. In the following table, we are giving a brief history of WWW.                                     

  Ø 1993 : On April 30, CERN releases the World Wide Web source code and announces it will be available free of charge. It also releases a basic browser along with a library of code. By the end of the year there are more than 500 web servers, and the web accounts for 1% of Internet traffic.

      Difference between WWW and Internet 

      Most people think that WWW is Internet and vice versa, which is NOT            TRUE.

        A large part of the Internet is the ‘World Wide Web“(WWW). This is 

        made  up of web site that have one or more web pages. This is the part 

        of the Internet that you probably use most of the time.

         But the Internet isn’t just the web pages that you use every day.

    It also consists of :

     v Forums where people can seek help and advice about a topic.

v            v Research databases used by universities and large companies.

    v USENET – discussion groups about a specific subject from the latest             boy band to  pets – for example, Google Groups.

     v Email and Instant Messaging (IM) systems.

     It is really important to understand that the Internet is not the same as the 

     WWW. The Internet is to the World Wide Web as Europe is to Germany.

      One is the container, the other is an item within the container.
