News Groups

 News Groups

          Newsgroups are also called clubs or bulletin board or message boards at times. 

       A news group or forum is lick a community bulletin board. You can                 post  a message, reply to a message r just read messages. When a user             sends a message, the news server posts it for everyone to read. Other               members of news group can now respond to your message. Groups of             related messages are Known as threads.

      You can subscribe to various newsgroups. It can either be done online or          by creating a news account in a news-client software.

     Examples of some newsgroups are :

  •   alt. tennis
  •   alt. astrology 
  •    comp. language. C++ etc.

In the coming section, we shall be illustrating the subscription to online newsgroups also known as clubs in Internet jargon.

   Using a Newsgroup

    Let us say, you want to join a group on HTML. So you need to

   search for of all, what all group are there and then subscribe to it(or

   join it). What we did to accomplish this task, is being summarised


   Just follow it and you’ll see yourself do the same.

  •         To search for an HTML newsgroup (or club), we first opened club site of yahoo we opened the page groups. and searched for html in it.  

  •          Now it displayed some results according to our search query (“html” search), wherefrom we selected html-4-you.
  •         To become member of this club so that we can post our messages, we clicked at Join this club link and followed the instructions given by the yahoo site.

  •          Once we become members, we could post our messages by clicking at post then b typing the desired message in the box provided for it and then by clicking at Post Message.
  •          A message can by read by clicking at its title. One can reply a message by clicking at Reply button. 
